Oxfordshire Chinese Brush Painting Group
We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month from 1 to 4. We have workshops about four times a year when we have a visit from a Tutor. Workshops are on a Sunday from 10 to 4. If we have a workshop in a month we do not have a Thursday meeting. Yearly subscriptions for members is £30 . This covers Hall hire. Workshops vary in price from £10 to £20 for members of the group and £15 to £25 for non members for the day. We paint using Chinese water colours, ink, brushes and paper. We can easily get supplies here in the Uk . Beginners are welcome. People are most welcome to make a preliminary visit before deciding to join the group. I am the leader of the group and can be contacted by email :-paulinetamadam@yahoo.co.uk. Also by ‘phone on 01993 832526